Twelfth International Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application

The Twelfth International Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application, organized by the Serbian Ceramic Society and the Institute of Technical Sciences SASA, with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, was taking place between 18 and 20 September 2024. The Institute for Materials Testing, the Institute for General and Physical Chemistry, the Institute for Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, and the Institute for the Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Resources also took part in the organization of the conference. The companies Analysis, Altium International, MOL Institute and Hotel Palace also supported our scientific meeting.

conference participants

ACA XII conference participants


The conference was attended by representatives of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, representatives of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, conference participants, guests, colleagues, and friends. This year, there were more than 100 participants from Serbia, Romania, Great Britain, Slovakia, Croatia, Germany, USA, Spain, Algeria and Slovenia, who presented 15 plenary lectures, 22 invited lectures, six oral and 51 poster presentations. All presentations were divided into the following sections:

  • modeling and simulation;
  • nano, opto and bio ceramics;
  • basic ceramics and sintering;
  • amorphous and magnetic ceramics;
  • clay, cements and refractory;
  • renewable energy and composites;
  • electrochemistry and catalysis;
  • two poster sessions.

Dr. Nina Obradović, President of SCS, opened the ACA XII conference. The participants were then greeted by Dr. Marina Soković, from the Ministry.

dr Nina Obradović

Dr. Nina Obradović, President of SCS


A short musical programme (two violins) was played by Mariana Peleš and Nikola Stanojević (Karl Jenkins - Palladio, Andrea Bocelli - Con te Partiro, and Astor Piaccola - Libertango)


Muzičari Nikola Stanojević and Mariana Peleš


Prof. Dr. Ljubica Cica Pavlović received the award of honorary member of SCS, for her contribution to materials science and long-term support of SCS.


Prof. Dr. Ljubica Cica Pavlović and Dr. Nina Obradović


Slobodan Vukosavić, secretary of the Department of Technical Sciences of SASA, held the first plenary lecture entitled New materials in electrical grids and power industry.


Academician Slobodan Vukosavić, SASA member


Like every year, two prizes were awarded to the best oral and poster presentations, which include a diploma and a conference fee waiver for the next ACA conference. Steven Smith and Mariam Pogosova are the winners of the awards for the best oral presentation, while Nenad Tadić and Marija Kovač are the winners of the awards for the best posters.

An interesting exhibition organized by Dr. Miljana Mirković and Aleksandra Rašović, entitled Utilizing green technologies to develop new cosmetic products, attracted a lot of attention from the participants.


An exhibition of cosmetic products


A gala conference dinner was held in the Caruso restaurant, and a visit to the Nikola Tesla museum delighted the guests. Prof. Dr. Vera Petrović prepared her original heart-shaped ceramic gifts to all the participants.


Hand-made ceramic gifts
