Dr. Nina Obradović participated in the conference 49th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2025), which was held from January 26 to January 31, 2025, in Daytona Beach. During the conference, she presented the paper Effect of the transition metal segregation on the properties of (Hf,Ti,Zr)B2–(Hf,Ti,Zr)C Dual Phase Ceramics, (S. Filipović, W. G. Fahrenholtz, G. E. Hilmas, N. Obradović, S. Curtarolo). The conference was attended by approximately 1000 scientists from around the world.
Dr. Monica Ferraris (right), president of the American Ceramic Society, and Dr. Nina Obradović (left), president of the Serbian Ceramic Society
On this occasion, she was awarded the American Ceramic Society Award for her activities as an ACerS Global Ambassador, for leading the Serbian Ceramic Society, organizing the Advanced Ceramics and Applications conference, and her active international cooperation.
Dr. Nina Obradović with colleagues from the University of Science and Technology in Missouri
During the conference, Dr. Obradović discussed potential collaboration opportunities and participation in the Advanced Ceramics and Applications conference with eminent scientists.