Visit to the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Dr. Miloš Tomić, Prinicpal Research Fellow and director of ITS SASA, and Dr. Ilija Batas Bjelić, Research Associate, are visiting the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in Uttarakhand, India. The visit is part of the bilateral cooperation project Machine-learning based PV power forecast and grid support solutions for PV integration in diverse climatic zones across Serbia and India.

On 26 February 2024, Dr. Tomić and Dr. Batas Bjelić will have an opportunity to present some of the ITS SASA's result to the Indian colleagues in their lectures at the Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy of the Institute of Technology Roorkee:

  • Monitoring of efficiencies of photovoltaic systems at the Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA in Serbia (Dr. Miloš Tomić)
  • Least-cost sustainable energy systems of future using optimality theory (Dr. Ilija Batas Bjelić)

  presenters and a presentation announcement