Prof. Dr. Nenad Ignjatović


Field of research

T 150 Materials technology

T 152 Composite materials 

P 352 Surface and boundary layer chemistry


Biography and education

Born in 1967, in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia


Research and academic titles

2010 Principal Research Fellow

2007 Professor

2005 Senior Research Associate

2002 Research Associate

Working at the Institute since 1997


Research areas

New materials and nanotechnologies in preventive and reconstructive medicine, pharmacy and food. Applied and fundamental research focused on the synthesis and design of small, hybrid and functional particles at the molecular level.
Keywords: Biomaterials, Nanotechnology, Nano-bio interface, Nanoparticles, Nano-oncology


Professional development

Postdoctoral program
  • 2005 Oxford University, United Kingdom, Department of Materials Science, Polymer and Biomaterials Group 
Courses / trainings
  • 2013 Fundamentals and applications of controlled release and drug delivery, University of Belgrade, Rectorate, Belgrade, Serbia 
  • 2006 Successful business communication - a sure profit, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia 
  • 2004 Intellectual property and support for innovation, Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 2003 Market orientation and development of entrepreneurship in scientific research organizations, Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia


Support to research career development

Lecturer and professor in PhD courses
  • 2012 – until the present, University of Belgrade, Doctoral studies in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific fields. Biomedical Engineering and Technology; Course: Physics, technology and characterization of biomaterials
  • 2012-2020 University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade. Course: Physics, technology and characterization of biomaterials
  • 2013 EU, European Center for Peace and Development, School of Medicine, Pula, Croatia. Course: Biomedicine
  • 2007-2012 University of Niš, School of Medicine, Niš. Course: Biomechanical and biological principles of application of modern reconstructive materials
Mentoring young research talents
  • 2014 Regional Centre for Talents Belgrade II. Recognition for mentoring talented schoolchildren. Belgrade, Serbia
  • 2001 – until the present, visiting lecturer at the Petnica Science Centre in programmes for young talents in the field of biomaterials. Valjevo, Serbia
Mentoring work
  • Marijana Pantovic Pavlović, In situ synthesis and characterization of thin biocompatible hydroxyapatite / passive oxide composite coatings for potential medical use, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (2021)
External PhD referee
  • Arash Mazinani, Development of advanced biomedical coatings via plasma electrolytic oxidation, School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, The University of Adelaide, Australia, University of Adelaide, Australia (2021)
  • Amjed Hussain, PhD, Enhanced Production of L-Lysine from Bacterial Species through metabolic and bioprocess engineering, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan (2016)
  • Karan Gulati, PhD, Nano-Engineered Titanium Implants for Complex Bone Therapies, School of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia (2015)
  • Nikola Geskovski, PhD, Rational approach in biopharmaceutical modelling of polymeric nanocarriers for solid tumor targeting, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (2015)


National and international projects

National projects
  • 2011-2019  Molecular Designing of Nanoparticles with Controlled Morphological and Physicochemical Characteristics and Functional Materials Based on Them (Grant No III45004), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (task leader)
  • 2006-2010  Synthesis of functional materials with controlled structure at the molecular and nano level (Grant No 142006), The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, (task leader) 
  • 2002-2005  Molecular design of monolithic and composite materials (Grant No 1431), The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, (task leader)
  • 2002-2003 Development of controlled bioresorbable hydroxyapatite-based composites for maxillofacial and reconstructive surgery (Grant No 297), The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro, (task leader)
  • 1998-1999 Development of biocomposite materials for otorhinolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery (Grant I.Z.1883), The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the
  • Republic of Yugoslavia, (task leader)
  • 1997-2000 Project 02Е16, Synthesis, microstructure design and properties of monolithic and composite materials, The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Yugoslavia (participant)


International projects
  • 2021 - until the present, COST action, CA20130 - European MIC Network – New paths for science, sustainability and standards (participant)
  • 2019-2020 International Development Association in the form of credits toward the cost for Modernizing Higher Education, (MHEP). World Bank and European Quality Assurance Agency, Germany (co-Principal investigator)
  • 2015-2017 Application One-shot" d’un nano-biomatériau antimicrobien pour le traitement des péri-implantites, de la Fondation de l’Avenir, France (participant)
  • 2007-2009 INCOMAT (FP6-032918) Creating international cooperation teams of excellence in the field of emerging biomaterial surface research (co-Principal investigator) 


Scholarly publishing activities

Editorial Board member
Journal special issues
  • N. Ignjatović, M. Dramićanin (guest editors), Drugi seminar mladih istraživača, Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala,  Bilten Vinča, 8 (1-4) (2003) i
  • N. Ignjatović (guest editor), Treći seminar mladih istraživača, Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Tehnika - Novi materijali 14 (1) (2005) 1-2
  • N. Ignjatović (guest editor), Četvrti seminar mladih istraživača, Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Tehnika - Novi materijali 14 (6) (2005) 1-2
  • N. Ignjatović (guest editor), Smotra istraživača novog veka, Tehnika - Novi materijali 16 (1) (2007) 1-2
  • N. Ignjatović (guest editor), Šesta konferencija mladih istraživača, Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Tehnika - Novi materijali 17 (1) (2008) 1-2
  • N. Ignjatović (guest editor), Sedma konferencija mladih istraživača, Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Tehnika - Novi materijali 18 (1) (2009) 1-2
  • N. Ignjatović (guest editor), Deveta međunarodna konferencija mladih istraživača, Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Tehnika - Novi materijali 20 (1) (2011) 3-6

ACS Applied Bio Materials; Advances in Materials Science and Engineering; Applied Surface Science; Arabian Journal of Chemistry; Biomacromolecules; Biomolecules; Cells; Ceramics International; Chemmedchem; Colloids and Surfaces; Colloids and Surfaces; Current Cancer Drug Targets; Current Drug Delivery; Drug Delivery and Translational Research; Drug Delivery and Translational Research; FME Transactions; Frontiers in Bioengineering And Biotechnology; Inorganic Chemistry Communications; International Immunopharmacology; International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology; International Journal of Molecular Sciences; International Journal of Nanomedicine; International Journal of Pharmaceutics; Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering; Journal of Applied Polymer Science; Journal of Biomedical Materials Research; Journal of Composite Materials; Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology



Membership and service

President of the Scientific and Organizing Committee
Member of the organizing committee of the international conference
Committees, councils, etc.
  • 2012-2014 National expert on bio-nano sciences in the Centre of the European Commission (JRC, Italy)
  • 2002 – 2014 Member of Management Board of the Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Learned societies
  • 2016 – 2024 Materials Research Society of Serbia,  Secretary General 
  • 2012 – until the present Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, Full Member


Selected publications

  • Pantović Pavlović, M. R.; Stanojević, B. P.; Pavlović, M. M.; Mihailović, M. D.; Stevanović, J. S.; Panić, V. V.; Ignjatović, N. L. Anodizing/Anaphoretic Electrodeposition of Nano-Calcium Phosphate/Chitosan Lactate Multifunctional Coatings on Titanium with Advanced Corrosion Resistance, Bioactivity, and Antibacterial Properties. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2021, 7 (7), 3088–3102.
  • Ignjatović, N. L.; Mančić, L.; Vuković, M.; Stojanović, Z.; Nikolić, M. G.; Škapin, S.; Jovanović, S.; Veselinović, L.; Uskoković, V.; Lazić, S.; Marković, S.; Lazarević, M. M.; Uskoković, D. P. Rare-Earth (Gd3+,Yb3+/Tm3+, Eu3+) Co-Doped Hydroxyapatite as Magnetic, up-Conversion and down-Conversion Materials for Multimodal Imaging. Sci Rep 2019, 9 (1), 16305.
  • Wu, T.-J.; Chiu, H.-Y.; Yu, J.; Cautela, M. P.; Sarmento, B.; das Neves, J.; Catala, C.; Pazos-Perez, N.; Guerrini, L.; Alvarez-Puebla, R. A.; Vranješ-Đurić, S.; Ignjatović, N. L. Nanotechnologies for Early Diagnosis, in Situ Disease Monitoring, and Prevention. In Nanotechnologies in Preventive and Regenerative Medicine; Elsevier, 2018; pp 1–92.
  • Ignjatović, N. L.; Sakač, M.; Kuzminac, I.; Kojić, V.; Marković, S.; Vasiljević-Radović, D.; Wu, V. M.; Uskoković, V.; Uskoković, D. P. Chitosan Oligosaccharide Lactate Coated Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles as a Vehicle for the Delivery of Steroid Drugs and the Targeting of Breast Cancer Cells. J. Mater. Chem. B 2018, 6 (43), 6957–6968.
  • Ignjatović, N. L.; Penov-Gaši, K. M.; Ajduković, J. J.; Kojić, V. V.; Marković, S. B.; Uskoković, D. P. The Effect of the Androstane Lung Cancer Inhibitor Content on the Cell-Selective Toxicity of Hydroxyapatite-Chitosan-PLGA Nanocomposites. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2018, 89, 371–377.
  • Ignjatović, N. L.; Penov-Gaši, K. M.; Wu, V. M.; Ajduković, J. J.; Kojić, V. V.; Vasiljević-Radović, D.; Kuzmanović, M.; Uskoković, V.; Uskoković, D. P. Selective Anticancer Activity of Hydroxyapatite/Chitosan-Poly(d,l)-Lactide-Co-Glycolide Particles Loaded with an Androstane-Based Cancer Inhibitor. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2016, 148, 629–639.
  • Ignjatović, N.; Ajduković, Z.; Rajković, J.; Najman, S.; Mihailović, D.; Uskoković, D. Enhanced Osteogenesis of Nanosized Cobalt-Substituted Hydroxyapatite. J Bionic Eng 2015, 12 (4), 604–612.
  • Ignjatović, N. L.; Liu, C. Z.; Czernuszka, J. T.; Uskoković, D. P. Micro- and Nano-Injectable Composite Biomaterials Containing Calcium Phosphate Coated with Poly(Dl-Lactide-Co-Glycolide). Acta Biomaterialia 2007, 3 (6), 927–935.
  • Ignjatović, N.; Savić, V.; Najman, S.; Plavšić, M.; Uskoković, D. A Study of HAp/PLLA Composite as a Substitute for Bone Powder, Using FT-IR Spectroscopy. Biomaterials 2001, 22 (6), 571–575.
  • Ignjatović, N.; Tomić, S.; Dakić, M.; Miljković, M.; Plavšić, M.; Uskoković, D. Synthesis and Properties of Hydroxyapatite/Poly-L-Lactide Composite Biomaterials. Biomaterials 1999, 20 (9), 809–816.




Awards and recognitions

  • Recognition and certificate of appreciation for contribution to the development of work with the gifted and talented school population, Regional Talent Center Belgrade II (2014)
  • Award of the City of Belgrade for natural and technical sciences, Belgrade City Assembly (2008)
  • Award for the best doctoral dissertation, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce (2001)
  • Gold Medal for Invention P632/86 by the Association of Inventors and Innovators Gold Medal for Invention P632/86 by the Association of Inventors and Innovators, House of the Army of Yugoslavia, Belgrade (1997).